American looking for information about United Arab Emirates
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Registration: 02 June 2015

Is 15000 AED per month a decent package to accept? by Seeker89
Hello everyone, I have been approached for jobs from Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The package that they've been offering ranges between 14-15 K AED per month. While browsing through the internet, I have learnt that the rents are quite high and I can ...

What are you making now? Only you can decide the opportunity cost of moving down there from your present location. Also, it is much easier to get a job in the UAE when you are located there, so consider the opportunities that are ahead of you once ... Read More

Is 15000 AED per month a decent package to accept? by Seeker89
Hello everyone, I have been approached for jobs from Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The package that they've been offering ranges between 14-15 K AED per month. While browsing through the internet, I have learnt that the rents are quite high and I can ...

Hi and welcome to the forum! It really depends on the type of lifestyle you are used to in your current location. 15,000 is a bit of money but like you said good housing is expensive. Are you being offered any allowances? Read More

Aiming to work in UAE by skido4u
hi everyone, I'm a mechanical engineer living presently in Nigeria. I wish to relocate and work in the UAE. please any little advice will be most helpful.

I haven't landed a job just yet but I find linkedin to be very useful. You can send inmail to the recruiter if they have an open profile and introduce yourself. Also, you should have a picture on your resume. best of luck! Read More

Hello everyone! :) I stumbled on this forum while I was searching for information on jobs in UAE. I'm originally from Nigeria but I came to the United States for university education and stayed here after to gain some experience in ... Read More