Solar Winds
Saudi citizen
Forum posts
About me
Registration: 07 June 2015

divorce issue by deadz_generation
Salam, I had an issue that is needed to be discussed here. I have a cousin in saudi arabia medina. Shes married and her husband and family not treating him well from 2 years. Situation has come to divorce but her husband is not forcefully allowing ...

There is a pakistani consulate camp in Madinah.. she can go to them and ask for their help. they can issue her an emergency passport, but she cannot leave without Exit/Re-entry visa which can only be issued by her husband. if she is severly ... Read More

Need suggestion regarding the job by jagdish03
Dear All, I know the same question which am gonna ask is already been raised thousands of times in this forum but still guys need your help to take my decision. I have been offered a job by "Saudi Snacks Foods Company Limited-Pepsico" as ...

Well, since you already know the company .. I think your estimation has some validity. expect to spend yourself: - food and other expenses 1000-1500 SR. - shared room 750 SR this would amount to around 2000-2200 SR monthly. so I guess you would ... Read More

Saudi life by Tasneem Dalvie
I am due to move to KSA in August. I have been emplyed by Al Khaleej. Any feedback on this company anyone??? Positives and negatives please. Thanjs, Taz

Dear Tasneem and Allie, I think the no. 1 Question is where will you be assigned ? this will determine many things: -availability & Quality of International Schools -Quality of Life -Type of expat community -Services ... etc Regards Read More

Female Assistant Professor KSAU Jeddah by alishazkhanz
Having gone through many threads and searching the internet like crazy now regarding living and work conditions in jeddah, i just can relax before making the big move!!! so anxious. i will be coming to jeddah as assistant prof at a university in ...

what is the university? is it King Abdulaziz University ? Read More

Need suggestion regarding the job by jagdish03
Dear All, I know the same question which am gonna ask is already been raised thousands of times in this forum but still guys need your help to take my decision. I have been offered a job by "Saudi Snacks Foods Company Limited-Pepsico" as ...

This will depend on many factors, and on your personal evaluation. one important factor is : what are you doing currently in your home country, how much are you making or used to make? are you a smoker? do you talk much on the phone? internet ... Read More

Grade 1 schooling child age by Nusair
Dear, My son completed his KG2 in an internation school in Jubail. Now he supposed to join grade 1 from September 2015. But i got a notice from his school is that the kids born after 26th Jan 2010 are not permitted to get admission in the grade1 for ...

As far as I know, the decisions of MOE only applies to local schools ( government / private national / international ) - but not on other schools like embassy schools ( indian school / British International School / American International School ) ... Read More

International schools in Riyadh by expatmama
Finally I found a list of international schools in Riyadh. Hope it will be useful for parents who don't have an opportunity to send their children to British or American schools. The main source: lifeinriyadh.com/ Riyadh Schools Al-Rowad ...

Hi How about Kingdom International School ? it is next to Kingdom City. Also, you can check the following as well: 1. Abdulaziz International School ( Alwadi Branch - Exit 6 ) near by. 2. My School ( Alwadi Branch - Exit 6 ) - Pre-School only. ( ... Read More

Grade 1 schooling child age by Nusair
Dear, My son completed his KG2 in an internation school in Jubail. Now he supposed to join grade 1 from September 2015. But i got a notice from his school is that the kids born after 26th Jan 2010 are not permitted to get admission in the grade1 for ...

Hi I am sorry to tell you that your only option is for your son to re-do KG2. The age-restriction decision is enforced by MOE on all schools - no exception. I had the same problem with my son. Initially he was accepted into KG2 and then the school ... Read More

Active masaajid. by AbouFoelaan
Any people that can tell me which mosques are active when it comes to Islamic lectures, lessons etc. I would love to study more about my religion and was wondering where the mashaayikh are giving durus. By the way, I understand Arabic reasonably ...

Salam Bro Al Rajhi Mosque is the largest one in riyadh, it is located on the eastern road ring ( exit 15 ), there you can many durus too. also, on this link you can find table for lessons and mosques: janayez.com/Doros.html best regards, Read More

Nice neighbourhoods in Riyadh by AbouFoelaan
Hi all, I will be moving very soon to Riyadh and I am checking where to live. At the moment I work in Olayya, but I would really love to live in a more quite neighbourhood. So I was wondering where the neighbourhoods are with newer, bigger, more ...

Welcome to Riyadh, Your options are: NORTH: 1. Al-Sahafah Dist. 2. Al-Yasmin Dist. 3. Al-Ghadeer 4. Al-Taawon 5. Al-Nozha WEST: 1. Al-Khozama 2. Al-Ahmadeyyah 3. Irqah Best Regards Read More