English expat in the United Arab Emirates
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Lives in Dubai
Registration: 14 June 2015

StuartinDubai replied to a thread

Expat group in Dalian? by Indye
Does anyone know if there is still an expat group in Dalian? There use to be one, but I can't find it.

I was a member on dalianxpat.com but the website is no longer there. Shame as it was a great source of information. I am in Dalian for the latter part of July, I know the Dalian beer festival is on over that period as well!!! Read More

StuartinDubai created a thread
Cricket in Dalian
I will be visiting Dalian during the latter part of July, just wondering if there is any organised local cricket in Dalian and where to watch. I will be living in Ganjing Zi district Read More