Colette1958 Canada


Cittadina Canadese
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I live in Ottawa wanting to move to Portugal.

Sono un utente di dal 18 Settembre 2010

  • Parlo English, Spanish, Slovak
  • Interessi personali hiking, meeting new peop, volunteering, golf, camping, dogs, biking, skiing, working, concerts, non-profit organizations
Registro delle attività
  • Colette1958
    espatriato in Canada

Percorso di espatrio

Ora vivo qui
Canada, Canada
Dal Dicembre 2010
Piestany, Slovacchia
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After working and traveling in Switzerland, Spain and Belgium I decided to make Piestany my home for now.

Small town attitudes, everything closes at 10pm as its a Spa town, a few restaurants that despite being French, Mexican, Chinese, etc all serve the same food (fried Slovak over-cooked dishes) or pizza, 1 small cinema that if 15 people don't show up the film doesn't get played, poor shopping facilities, the "town" people vs the "rest of us foreigners', expensive real estate (its the 2nd most expensive city in Slovakia after Bratislava). The spa is out-dated, doesn't get it that they need to attract a younger crowd that is physically active. Local attitude "don't change" which is too bad as all the foreigners here see the huge potential yet the locals refuse to evolve and make the town a "hot" spot.

Ago 2009 - Dic 2010
Barcellona, Spagna
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Moved to work as the Scientific Director of an academic breast cancer research group.

Cataluyans are friendly but rarely invite you into their homes. They live life out on the streets in sidewalk cafes and restaurants. Too much concrete and not enough green vegetation in the city.

Gen 2007 - Ago 2007
Basilea, Svizzera
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Worked for the HQ office of Hoffman La Roche pharmaceutical company

WAY too expensive! Swiss standoffishness. I had only other expats as friends. The stores close a 6pm. Paperwork for living there and once you want to leave. The Swiss pension system...they keep a portion of your pension savings in their state bank.

Dic 2004 - Ago 2009
Piestany, Slovacchia
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Came here and took a 2 year work sabbatical. Enjoyed life then got bored so started to work in Switzerland while keeping permanent residency in Piestany.

Ago 1988 - Dic 2004
Ottawa, Canada
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Studied and worked as a cancer specialist at the University Hospital and also consulted with the Canadian Federal government in the area of regulatory drug approvals.

-40C in February!

Ago 1981 - Lug 1988
Chihuahua, Messico
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I studied medicine and worked as a family doctor for the less priviledged.

nothing...I left my heart there.

Set 1977 - Giu 1981
Guelph, Canada
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Studied at the University of Guelph