goodvillager Canada


Espatriato Canadese in Cina
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University lecturer in Guangzhou.

Professione a university lecturer

Sono un utente di dal 25 Settembre 2010

  • Parlo English, intermediate French, some Spanish, some Mandarin
  • Interessi personali bees
Registro delle attività
  • goodvillager
    espatriato in Cina

Percorso di espatrio

Dal Agosto 2012
Hainan, Cina
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continuing education while I'm working

still filthy; typhoons

Giu 2012 - Ago 2012
Colombia Britannica, Canada
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organizing my move back to China


Apr 2012 - Giu 2012
Ottawa, Canada
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getting organized for the next move

expensive and emotionally cold

Set 2011 - Mar 2012
Whitehorse, Canada
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too little light, too cold, lots of workplace abuse

Ago 2010 - Ago 2011
Jiahe, Cina
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Teaching high school - oral English Exploring countryside, villages, smallholder farms, bees

too much meat, highly controlling and dismissive employers

Gen 2009 - Lug 2010
BC and Ontario, Canada
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various volunteer work on agricultural projects

it's Canada

Ago 2008 - Dic 2008
Stati Uniti
California, Stati Uniti
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volunteered as grant writer and general help with a non-profit that set up farmers' markets in low income neighbourhoods.

Ago 2005 - Ago 2008
Montreal, Canada
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pursued my second masters degree - Knowledge Management and Health & Business Librarianship

winter, culture

Gen 2003 - Set 2004
Taipei, Taiwan
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Teaching, book editing, published my own book, studying Mandarin

too noisy, too crowded, too polluted

Ott 2000 - Dic 2002
Colombia Britannica, Canada
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Worked as both an employee at and consultant to government and universities on various health policy and research projects.

I don't belong in Canada

Apr 2000 - Set 2000
Nuova Zelanda
North and South Islands, Nuova Zelanda
Ago 1996 - Ago 1999
Virginia, Canada
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completed masters in quantitative psychology - taught statistics and research design, worked on a number of research projects in the fields of intelligence testing and forensic psychology