American looking for information about Ukraine
Forum posts
About me
Lives in HOUSTON, TX
Registration: 27 July 2015

Obtaining permanent residence by watchthatman
I am halfway through the process, and if there is anyone interested I can detail my experiences about the process up to today. I am English and married to a Urainian woman for the last 7 years.

american documents can ONLY be apostilled in the state that issued the document. I found out the hard way luky for me my worker in the states was willing get cert copies from county courts and drive to austin an 6 hour drive round trip then fedex to ... Read More

Importing my car from US by Esselchik
Hello everyone, I'm currently living in Ukraine and thinking to bring my car from The US to Ukraine soon and i need some information. I have read a lot of different things online but not sure what to believe anymore! I have ran into a dead end ...

hello essel from what i read and customs brokers i talk to is that once you have prc you can bring 1 auto into ukraine custom tax free, and reduced custom taxes on personal items Read More