CURRUCULUM VITAE FOR CHRISPO CHIKANDA Aged 46 years with vasity experience in working with communities in development, relief and food security. Key Qualifications. * Hons Degree in Development Studies - UNISA. * Bsc Degree Agriculture Nanagement - ZOU Zimbabwe. * Diploma Agriculture - Chibero Agric Coll Zimbabwe * Certificate in Agriculture # Esigodini Ageic College Zimbabwe. Work Experience. * AGRITEX 1994 - 2002 as Extension worker and District Officer. * WORLD VISION ZIM 2002 TO 2010 as ADP and Relief Manager, Agric Officer and Program Officer. * PASSION FOR CHILDREN as Development VOLUNTEER DIRECTOR 2010 to Date. OTHER QUALIFICATIONS. * cert development UNISA. * cert Development Mgt ZIPAM. * CERT Childre in Emergencies WVI kenya. * Cert In Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction - IRIRC Ethiopia. * Cert SPHERE * ERDM cert. * cert Entreprenuership *Cert commercial law
Inscrevi-me ao no dia 08 Agosto 2015.