CivEngr Etats-Unis


Expatrié Américain en Arabie Saoudite
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337 posts sur le forum
Expat en série


Here from So.Cal to work on construction project. Expected stay until mid 2012. Looking for peeps to enjoy my time-off with. Not much to do here (been here since July 2010) so want to make what little non-work hours I have more than just watching TV and listening to music. Just got a dart board so looking for players and up for cards too. Just want to live some, not just exist.

Je suis membre depuis le 04 Octobre 2010.

  • Dans la vie, j'aime travel, peop, sports, architecture
Activité récente
  • CivEngr
    a rejoint la communauté Arabie Saoudite

Mon parcours

J'y vis en ce moment
Arabie Saoudite
Arabie Saoudite
Oct 2009 - Juil 2010
San Diego, Etats-Unis
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Couch potato


Juin 2009 - Sept 2009
Amritsar, Inde
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Worked on the basis of design for wastewater treatment and infrastructure for the city of 1.2 million who had no sewage treatment.

The human existence there and the 5 classes of society.

Mars 1979 - Juin 2009
San Diego, Etats-Unis
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Office manager for Jacobs Engineering

Traffic and cost of living
