French expat in England
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Londres
Registration: 27 March 2009

Couple want room to rent (west) for 15/03 by franstef
Hi! We are a French couple (24 and 26 years old, professionals) currently living in the West Midlands and moving in London the 15th of March. We are looking for: - a rent max £500 pcm comprising utility bills, tax council and internet access - area ...

Hi French guys, I'm French myself :D I have a blog with good tips. I give advice to find accommodations. Maudrix.wordpress.com I would recommend you to go on Gumtree.com where there are looooooads of offers. There are a few other solutions, ... Read More

Moving from Canada to London, England by traveling_forever
Hey Everyone I am looking into moving to London, to study and to possibly move there. I am doing this by myself and i have no support and if i do its mostly from my friends. I've always wanted to move there and live there and i was wondering if ...

Hi if you wanna move to London, I have put a few interesting links on my blog. Cheap accommodations, how to deal with the health system, how to find a job. There are a few agencies that I would recommend. My blog is Maudrix.wordpress.com Good luck. ... Read More