Australian citizen
3 posts
About me
Lives in Perth
Registration: 07 September 2015
Using a nominee to purchase land by jackstar333
Hi Just wondering if anyone knows if when you purchase land and engage a nominee does that nominee have to be from the local area or do they just need to be Indonesian? We have purchased land in Sumbawa and were advised that our nominee must be ...
Thanks again Yes I think that he is now thinking this may be the only option if he is going to sell - but he is stinging as he has paid her commission to buy and now will pay commission to sell..as well as having paid for the land to be converted ... Read More
Using a nominee to purchase land by jackstar333
Hi Just wondering if anyone knows if when you purchase land and engage a nominee does that nominee have to be from the local area or do they just need to be Indonesian? We have purchased land in Sumbawa and were advised that our nominee must be ...
Hi Ubudian - I was hoping to attract your attention! My partner's story is long and involved...it will probably take many chats to get it all out... Thanks - Yes you are correct very big gamble. The land was to be under the nominee only whilst ... Read More
Using a nominee to purchase land
Hi Just wondering if anyone knows if when you purchase land and engage a nominee does that nominee have to be from the local area or do they just need to be Indonesian? We have purchased land in Sumbawa and were advised that our nominee must be ... Read More