MemberAmerican looking for information about Panama
2 posts
About me
Registration: 09 September 2015
Making phone calls in Panama by Maximilien
Hi, When settling in Panama, one of the priorities is to be able to make phone calls. How to proceed to get a landline installed in Panama? What are the mobile operators? What is your average monthly budget? Thank you in advance for ...
Have you heard of Republic Wireless? You can buy a new Motorola smartphone from them and they have a $5 Wi-Fi only plan that will give you a USA number with unlimited talk and text on Wi-Fi anywhere in the world. When you visit the USA, you can ... Read More
just bought in Biltmore, Gorgona by lubberss
Hi we are very excited to have bought a condo in the Biltmore in Gorgona. Are there any other mambers who will be living there or can tell me more about Gorgona--Coronado. We will be living there about 6 months of the year. Michael, my partner ...
How is it still going in the Biltmore? I see several units on the market and have interest. Is the HOA doing okay? thanks. Read More