Sirena_Diveski Venezuela


Venezuelan looking for information about Switzerland
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2 forum posts


I am a simple person, natural, I like the music, film and art in general.I want to see everything, learn everything, meet everyone and just enjoy all there is. Die Happy Is The Best Way To Live!!! I would like to settle down in Zurich, for that reason I need a job as soon as possible.

I joined on 15 October 2010.

  • I can speak English
  • Interests arts, music, finance, tecomunication
Activity log
  • Sirena_Diveski
    joined the Geneva expat community

Expat experience

Sept 2010 - Oct 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
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Trabajar en Telecomunicaciones

Los diferentes idiomas entre una region y otra. Lo bueno es que la mayoria de la gente puede hablar ingles

Since July 2011
Caracas, Switzerland
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Ser una profesional exitosa

La inseguridad y la baja calidad de vida

Sept 2010 - Oct 2010
Geneva, Venezuela
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Trabajar y estudiar.

Para un viajero cualquier lugar en Suiza le va a parecer costoso.