Filipino expat in Saudi Arabia
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Jeddah
Speaks Filipino/English
Registration: 02 October 2015

A Philipino House maid needed by jetribia
Greetings, i philipino house maid is needed to help my wife at home, we are a small family with 2 kids and moving to jeddah. salary can be discussed. Best Regards

For both information the minimum salary for a Filipino housemade or in other word Domestic Helper is SAR1500 ($400). Click or paste in your browser the link below for further details. http://www.dole.gov.ph/news/view/2706 Read More

Tennis anyone? by TexasPilot
I'm a pilot flying the newly formed emergency air ambulance helicopter for Saudi Red Crescent and love to play tennis but can't find a court not even from the air !! I've heard of some courts in the compounds but don't even know where to start ...

Sister, at Trio Ranch where the ASTEC (Association of Tennis Club In Jeddah) year end tournament is now being hold has Five Tennis Court. There is no restriction in gender. Follow the link below for more ... Read More

Introduction by gemgem
Dear All, Greetings. Glad to be part of this Expat.com and hope to be accepted by your group in sharing, comments, posting and other stuff we can help, inform and update online. Best Regards, GEMGEM

Thanks, Read More

Dear All, Greetings. Glad to be part of this Expat.com and hope to be accepted by your group in sharing, comments, posting and other stuff we can help, inform and update online. Best Regards, GEMGEM Read More

Playing tennis by Sagittarui$$
I'm searching for friend in Jeddah who are interested in playing Tennis .