VickyLondres Brazil


Brazilian expat in the USA
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I am an Italo-Brazilian, who loved life in London for 9 years - with a year gap in Italy. Now, married to the loveliest American guy, I am living in the deserts of US, at least in the closest place to civilization possible over here: Albuquerque, NM. Sometimes I think my life is rulled by my backpack. If I ever have a child, we ought to move back to Italy. I don't trust schooling anywhere else in the world.

I joined on 31 March 2009.

  • I can speak English, Portuguese, Italian, French
  • Interests blogging, reading, fine arts, opera, swimming, oenology, cssical balt, cliclying
Activity log

Expat experience

Since May 2009
New Mexico, USA
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I have just arrived. Hours ago, in fact. With my husband. Have no ideia what to expect now.

Apr 2004 - Feb 2005
Venice, Italy
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Waiting, studying, drinking, eating and sleeping

The people

Jun 2000 - May 2009
London, England
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Studying, working, travelling, enjoying life. Also got married and hisband wants to stay here for a while.

My mum is not here!

Feb 1972 - May 2000
Niteroi, Brazil
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All my life was there. School, life friends, family.
