Francois Xavier Karangwa Rwanda

Francois Xavier Karangwa

Citoyen Rwandais
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I am from Rwanda country, Western province especially in Ngororero district and currently, I am living in Kigali city. I fact, I am holder of Engineering degree in Statistics Applied to Economy. After my studies,from Oct-2013 to September 2014, I have got Professional internship offered by RDB at the Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA) in the department of Policy and Planning, where I managed to collect data from agencies affiliated to MININFRA (Meteo Rwanda, RHA, RCAA, ESWA and RTDA) and made data analysis and interpretation. From Sept-2014 to 12th September, I have got internship offered by National Capacity Building Secretariat (NCBS) at National Bank of Rwanda (BNR) in department of Statistics. Through this internship at BNR, I worked jointly with National Institute of Statistics Rwanda (NISR) In Consumer Price Index data collection especially in Kigali city and data entry for monthly inflation report.

Je suis membre depuis le 09 Octobre 2015.

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  • Francois Xavier Karangwa
    a rejoint la communauté Rwanda

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