English expat in China
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Shangai
Registration: 18 October 2010

Hello there. I am new here!!! by BestBuffPeople
How are you all doing. My name is Josh. I am 33yrs. I am from London, England. I am a business man and I run a fun site in my freetime. I currently live between Dubai, Zambia and Shangai. Drop me a line and say hi. Ask me a question or two. Bye ...

Hello Josh Welcome to the forum. Nice definition of happiness and money, as far as I'm concerned there are some moments of plenty happiness and we have to profit of them like there's no tomorrow. You seems someone interesting. Nice to meet ... Read More

Hello there. I am new here!!! by BestBuffPeople
How are you all doing. My name is Josh. I am 33yrs. I am from London, England. I am a business man and I run a fun site in my freetime. I currently live between Dubai, Zambia and Shangai. Drop me a line and say hi. Ask me a question or two. Bye ...

Josh u must be very interesting as u have received most response. Since you have asked for it i have a question? u seem to be very confident man, can you define happiness, does money make one happy or love or making the most out of life, or ... Read More

Hello there. I am new here!!! by BestBuffPeople
How are you all doing. My name is Josh. I am 33yrs. I am from London, England. I am a business man and I run a fun site in my freetime. I currently live between Dubai, Zambia and Shangai. Drop me a line and say hi. Ask me a question or two. Bye ...

Hello josh. nice having u here :)Thank you Zainab. Read More

Hello there. I am new here!!! by BestBuffPeople
How are you all doing. My name is Josh. I am 33yrs. I am from London, England. I am a business man and I run a fun site in my freetime. I currently live between Dubai, Zambia and Shangai. Drop me a line and say hi. Ask me a question or two. Bye ...

Hey. Thanks Christine. Tracky you are most welcome. I am also new here. Josh Read More

Hello there. I am new here!!! by BestBuffPeople
How are you all doing. My name is Josh. I am 33yrs. I am from London, England. I am a business man and I run a fun site in my freetime. I currently live between Dubai, Zambia and Shangai. Drop me a line and say hi. Ask me a question or two. Bye ...

Welcome on Expat-blog Josh! :)Thank you Christine. Thats the most beautifull smile I have ever seen!!!! mmmm!!! Read More

Hello there. I am new here!!! by BestBuffPeople
How are you all doing. My name is Josh. I am 33yrs. I am from London, England. I am a business man and I run a fun site in my freetime. I currently live between Dubai, Zambia and Shangai. Drop me a line and say hi. Ask me a question or two. Bye ...

Thank you. Oh yeah life is good. Am sure you will like it London. If you do go to Scotland dont forget to visit the distillers and taste some real Scotch whisky. J Read More

Hello there. I am new here!!!
How are you all doing. My name is Josh. I am 33yrs. I am from London, England. I am a business man and I run a fun site in my freetime. I currently live between Dubai, Zambia and Shangai. Drop me a line and say hi. Ask me a question or two. Bye ... Read More