ReneSolomon Sud Africa


Espatriata Sudafricana a Mauritius
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My husband, 1 year old son and I are due to move to Mauritius in January 2016. We are both from Cape Town South Africa and are currently organising and finalising everything for our move. We have managed to find a house we love and have signed the lease for it and we have secured a rental car for long term rental. I am a microbiologist and have for the last 8 years been involved in clinical trial research for the treatment of turberculosis but decided to stop working after the birth of our son. My husband works for a Mauritian company who has offered him work in Mauritius in Software and IT Solutions. We are very excited to be starting this adventure and our greatest hope is that we will meet many like minded, interesting people.

Sono un utente di dal 24 Ottobre 2015

  • Parlo English and Afrikaans
  • Interessi personali running, pilates
Registro delle attività
  • ReneSolomon
    espatriato a Mauritius

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Sud Africa