French expat in Vietnam
Forum posts
About me
Lives in HCMC
Registration: 15 November 2015

Temporary Residence Card ??? What is it good for ???? by findvietnam
Hello Every Body I hope your guy is winning !!! my joke What are the rules , thoughts and reasons to get a Temporary Residence Card for Vietnam ???? Can you work ?? Health care options ?? More hassle less hassle ?? I am just asking , I am ...

200$ for a TRC, fine. I reextend my LD TRC 4 times, can't remember how much I paid but know that I had to go to the Immigration Office to pick-up the card. Makes a lot of sens to me that they want to verify that they are actually giving the card ... Read More

How to take back my singapore child from vietnam? by Kelvin77
My viet wife brought back my 15mths old daughter whom is a singapore citizen back to vietnam without my permission on 4 dec 2018. First 2 wks was ok, i get to see them everyday thru videocall n watsapp, then suddenly she started to change, saying ...

Yeah well, interesting and sad topic all together... And I won't say "Welcome to the club" as I was lucky enough to avoid this kind of situation over the years (at least in Asia...). And yes, it's better to keep in the boxers ... Read More