Georgian citizen
26 posts
About me
Speaks English, Georgian, Russian, Japanese (only a bit)
Registration: 08 December 2015
Hi everyone, I'm an italian citizen and I'm looking for open a small kiosk-cafe in tbilisi selling high quality italian food products including BiO Wine high quality. You think is a good idea? How much it will cost?
Selling wine in Georgia is not the best idea considering we already produce well enough for us not to buy it. Even if it is a bio wine Other italian products - it depends. Unless you it will have low prices, there won't be many costumers as ... Read More
The business situation in Tbilisi by Sanda Wynn Shein
I would like to know the possibility of working there in Tbilisi for expatriate who doesn’t speak Georgian language. And I would like to know the average income of mid-management employee.
Unless you know Georgian language you're mostly out of luck, unless you can find some international company that might hire you that is. The average income in Georgia is around 300-400 lari which is roughly 150$ as of right now Read More
I just received a negative result on my visa application for Georgia by Salmoon
I am a full time student in Malaysia holding Pakistani passport. I just received a negative result on my visa application for Georgia, Tbilisi. I provided the following documents: 1. College Confirmation Letter 2. Student Visa 3. Passport page ...
Sorry to hear about that. Most of that happens because of government trying to limit immigration from Muslim countries + population also pushing for it as the amount of expats or just people wanting to settle here has skyrocketed these past few ... Read More
The new business idea in Tbilisi by Anilchandani
Hi there, I'm planning to come Tbilisi, to get more information about new business idea's. Please can any one suggest what's required there and can be a good basic idea for a small business Thank you
Are these the 3 golden rules to get in Georgian Citizen ship....or start a business...Getting citizenship is almost impossible as you are required to know Georgian language, history, etc. have lived here 5+ years and be employed by a Georgian ... Read More
🙂hi everybody by Ghazalk
Hi I’m ghazal from iran I want to experience living in another country So I’m trying to find job in Tbilisi I will be happy if you help me😉
Unfortunately there are very few job opportunities in Georgia and even less if you are not Georgian or know Georgian on a very good level. I would recommend looking elsewhere not be disappointed Read More
Employment / Wages -> I.T. Help Desk Support (request for information) by ian_mac
G'day guys, Out of curiosity what is the common hourly rates/wages for people who work as I.T. Help Desk / Support center? I understand that wages and rates could vary depending on who it is that you work for and what it is exactly that ...
I dont know about hourly, but its anywhere from 1000-2000 lari a month. As much as IT and everything associated with it is in demand in here, the payment for it is still not up to the international standard Read More
Maintenance fees for apartments by 000Lynn000
Hello, I'm interested in relocating to Batumi and would like to buy an apartment. I'm having a difficult time getting information about typical monthly maintenance fees from real estate agents who seem to ignore my question, and none of the ...
I'll try to explain in the simple terms - you pay for everything. If the elevator breaks, the building residents pay for it and there is no security unless you live in some high-class apartment. You pay for the roof/facade/etc You wont get any ... Read More
kutaisi to Tbilisi transportation options, lots of luggage!!! by lallipop
Dear people!. I will be coming next week by Wizzair Midnight, but my host can come to pick me up in Tbilisi only, do I have to find my way there. Can you advise the best option? Thank you so much!!!!
Thats the main problem - I can tell you the street name/number, but unless you have someone in there to translate its gonna be tough to make them understand what you want The bus station is located on Chavchavadze ave 67# in Kutaisi, Behind the ... Read More
how to get Georgia (Europe ) citizenship by investment? by pradeepkumar44
Hello Sir/Mam, Please know complete detail about Georgia (Europe ) citizenship by investment? If you are interested then comment in below...
Well first of all Georgia isn't Europe Second, citizenship is a bit of a problem for foreigners already. You can get a permit to stay here but unless you know Georgian language and laws, it will be hard for you to attain it Read More
kutaisi to Tbilisi transportation options, lots of luggage!!! by lallipop
Dear people!. I will be coming next week by Wizzair Midnight, but my host can come to pick me up in Tbilisi only, do I have to find my way there. Can you advise the best option? Thank you so much!!!!
Bus/Small bus if theres a lot of luggage, cheapest and easiest I'd say Read More
Small Business Opportunities in Tbilisi by malikking92
What are the small business opportunities in Tbilisi. I wan to set up a small business in Georgia. How is life, cost of living, economy and crime rate. Is there anyone knows good opportunity to set up Cafe or Restaurant somewhere. Also what is ...
Dang Dinh Minh You can get all the information from the Public service hall, online information is outdated and the only way to get info is - directly. You can do that when you get in here, it does not take too much time and effort, unlike starting ... Read More
Hello..i'm new here...would i be able to get friends from tbilisi... by Senni Sara
;) i 'm new here..would i be able to get friends from tbilisi..???
Hello there. If you will have any questions about Tbilisi, you can ask away. And yes, work in here is extremely hard to find. I wouldnt recommend you to move in here in hopes of that Read More
Looking for advice by Abu hammoudeh
Hello everybody Im looking for small business opportunities in Tbilisi or other city in georgia . I wan to set up a small business in Georgia. How is life, cost of living, economy and crime rate. Is there anyone knows good opportunity to set up ...
All of the things you mentioned work out nicely in Georgia, other than permanent residency. The government is currently cracking down immigration as a lot of people have tried to cross border illegally and also because of the demands of the ... Read More
How Much Construction Company License Costs? by Faisal Nadeem Choudhary
Hi, I am planning to move to Georgia. I would like to start a construction company in Tbilisi. Can anyone tell me the complete procedure to make LLC License with main activity as Construction and also how much it would cost me. Thank you
Sadra you dont seem Georgian/From Tbilisi to me OP, I would advice finding a Georgian who knows construction related issues and discussing that issue with them. There are way too many foreigners trying to pass as Georgians and fooling other people ... Read More
need advice and information about tourism by hibuddy2902
Hello everyone i am planing to visit Georgia for a week or more, please guide me hows life their currency and how much money do i need per day for basic needs, is it safe to go around? late night safety? and any other information
It is safe all of the time. The amount of money youll need is extremely vague and is dependent on you, I dont think anyone can answer that. Life is peaceful at very least, the only active place is where tourists congregate and in summer Also all ... Read More