Spogglepop Ireland


Irish looking for information about Argentina
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I am an architecture graduate, looking for a new challenge in life. I have travelled solo in South America before and have lived and worked abroad for short periods of time. Both experiences have been life changing and I am really getting itchy feet again. I love meeting new people, getting to know more about different cultures, different ways of living - including music, dance, food, drink, the nature and the nurture of it all. It would be great to meet people on this platform who have made big moves without a great safety net. I'm looking for opportunities in architecture with an aim for social change, humanitarian projects and even pro bono work. Hopefully my skills in other areas will allow me to make some money to get by while I "save the world" one brick at a time!

I joined expat.com on 04 January 2016.

  • Interests arts, running, teaching, watersports, Crafts and design Music - performing, collaborating Tennis

Expat experience

I would like to move there
I am currently living here
Dublin, Ireland