Nicolas Carrot Francia

Nicolas Carrot

Espatriato Francese in Vietnam
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Hi expats! So I'm Nicolas (or Nico). Coming from the South of France, catalan land at the border with Spain, surrounded by awesome Mediterranean rocky coast and Pyrenees mountains. I love this homeland and could talk about it during hours. But I need change in my life, so after being professional tourist, science animator, sustainable development education teacher at university, I accepted a job in Lak, Vietnam, a countryside district of highlands. I'm now resort manager and try to run eficiently and ecologically a brand new Eco-lodge. I'm easy-going, like to talk, debate, play and have fun, always smiling and joking. I stop here, drop me a message and we can talk further

Sono un utente di dal 22 Gennaio 2016

Registro delle attività
  • Nicolas Carrot
    espatriato in Vietnam

Percorso di espatrio

Ora vivo qui
Lắk, Ðắc Lắk, Vietnam
Perpignan, Languedoc-Roussillon, Francia