Sin Fin USA

Sin Fin

American expat in Guatemala
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18 forum posts


I've lived all over the USA. I've lived for extended periods of time in many parts of the globe and continue to do so. I have owned and sailed live-a-boards, flown small planes, and really didn't do too well at either, but good enough to live! and isn't that the bottom line. I have been in Guatemala for the last 2 1/2 years but am now searching around for a final destination where I can settle in. I'm open to suggestions ..........

I joined on 30 January 2016.

  • I can speak English, Canadian, Australian, etc.......  my Spanish is at the point I can go through a day pretty much okay. I still have problems with impromptu conversations and with people who speak too fast and use too many contractions.
  • Interests swim, Exercise, hike, Run, etc.......
Activity log

Expat experience

I am currently living here
Dearborn, Michigan, USA