American looking for information about Brazil
Forum posts
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Registration: 25 March 2016

Wanting to move to Rio for one year....what are the obstacles?? by dzackery
I have a 10 year visa, but I would like to expat for one calendar year to start and possibly make the determination to stay fulltime if Im really loving it. I tried searching for comprehensive threads on the subject, but I would like info on the ...

Obrigado Alascana! I have a friend that lives in Zona Norte that suggested the exact same thing after a double date we had with some ladies in March when I as last there...lol. If I was struck by lightning (AGAIN) that would be a very viable ... Read More

Wanting to move to Rio for one year....what are the obstacles?? by dzackery
I have a 10 year visa, but I would like to expat for one calendar year to start and possibly make the determination to stay fulltime if Im really loving it. I tried searching for comprehensive threads on the subject, but I would like info on the ...

Muito Obrigado!!! :) Read More

Wanting to move to Rio for one year....what are the obstacles?? by dzackery
I have a 10 year visa, but I would like to expat for one calendar year to start and possibly make the determination to stay fulltime if Im really loving it. I tried searching for comprehensive threads on the subject, but I would like info on the ...

Hello. I have traveled to Brazil multiple times and stated earlier I believe that I can speak a little Portuguese...im still learning!! Thanks for all the advice. I have a 10 year visa and i spend a few weeks a year in Rio. Read More

Wanting to move to Rio for one year....what are the obstacles?? by dzackery
I have a 10 year visa, but I would like to expat for one calendar year to start and possibly make the determination to stay fulltime if Im really loving it. I tried searching for comprehensive threads on the subject, but I would like info on the ...

Thanks for the response. So moving there even if I dont need to work is out of the question "legally" as well? Read More

Wanting to move to Rio for one year....what are the obstacles??
I have a 10 year visa, but I would like to expat for one calendar year to start and possibly make the determination to stay fulltime if Im really loving it. I tried searching for comprehensive threads on the subject, but I would like info on the ... Read More

Accounting question by Mshu
I'm Brazilian but left the country when I was little. Now I'm considering return to live in Brazil with my son. Could anyone tell me, how can I transfer my money from US to Brazil? Not wiring... will any taxes involved on the transfer? Can I ...

You could exchange some funds before you leave the US but over a certain $ amount you have to declare. You could also keep your account in US. Read More

Cost of living in Brazil - 2017 by Priscilla
Hello, Before moving to Brazil, it is important to investigate the cost of living in the country. As we did in 2015, we give you the opportunity to share your experience and tell us more about products and services average recorded prices in ...

All in Reals and by the month Apartment is usually $1500 with condo fee $750 A house can be $2500 - infinity (depends) and my condo fee is $1500 Car is expensive at $50.000,00 to buy a used car taxes are roughly $2000 a year Fill fuel tank ... Read More

Cost of living in Brazil - 2017 by Priscilla
Hello, Before moving to Brazil, it is important to investigate the cost of living in the country. As we did in 2015, we give you the opportunity to share your experience and tell us more about products and services average recorded prices in ...

My satalite TV is $156: My electricy is $100 to $300. My doctor is free. My specialist is $100. To license the car is $900. I spend about $1100 or more at the grocery store. The internet is $ 60. I can eat out for $ 15 to $ 75. The figures ... Read More

Property prices in Brazil by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Finding affordable housing in Brazil is number one priority for newcomers. Tell us more about the estate market in your district/city/region. What are the most desired places to live? What are the most affordable ones? What is ...

Can anyone shed some light on rental prices and sale prices of apartments in Rio? I really like Zona Sul, Centro and Zona Norte. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I would like some links to rental listings (Not AirBnB). Read More