

New member

American looking for information about Ecuador

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About me


Speaks I speak English with a tiny bit of Spanish but very willing to learn.

Registration: 20 April 2016


Holloway replied to a thread
8 years ago

Maybe moving to Ecuador. by Holloway

Hi my name is Linda. I am 66 and have been researching Ecuador for about a year now. I am 66 and recently retired and plan to visit first. My questions are: Where do I come in to Ecuador at? Whats the name of a decent motel to stay while I ...


Thank you so much. How do things look after the earthquake? Read More

Holloway replied to a thread
8 years ago

Maybe moving to Ecuador. by Holloway

Hi my name is Linda. I am 66 and have been researching Ecuador for about a year now. I am 66 and recently retired and plan to visit first. My questions are: Where do I come in to Ecuador at? Whats the name of a decent motel to stay while I ...


I do not taked any scripts and would get rid of medicare if possible. What little medical problems I have I take natural herbs for . Tumeric is an anti-inflammitory and works well for aches and pain. Does this help? Read More

Holloway replied to a thread
8 years ago

Maybe moving to Ecuador. by Holloway

Hi my name is Linda. I am 66 and have been researching Ecuador for about a year now. I am 66 and recently retired and plan to visit first. My questions are: Where do I come in to Ecuador at? Whats the name of a decent motel to stay while I ...


Thanks I was just going by internet info. I'm not apposed to a small bungalow or even an apartment on the outskirts somewhere. I can always garden by bucket as i do now at my house since it's only me. Read More

Holloway replied to a thread
8 years ago

Maybe moving to Ecuador. by Holloway

Hi my name is Linda. I am 66 and have been researching Ecuador for about a year now. I am 66 and recently retired and plan to visit first. My questions are: Where do I come in to Ecuador at? Whats the name of a decent motel to stay while I ...


That's the problem. Wasn't really sure. Cuenca was mentioned and Quito plus Loja a lot but to be honest with you I don't care about a city as long as I can be safe and find transportation to get into town. I have lived in Jacksonville ... Read More

Holloway created a thread
8 years ago

Maybe moving to Ecuador.

Hi my name is Linda. I am 66 and have been researching Ecuador for about a year now. I am 66 and recently retired and plan to visit first. My questions are: Where do I come in to Ecuador at? Whats the name of a decent motel to stay while I ... Read More