My name is Sara and I have been living in Florence for almost 10 years. I came to study art and history and immediately fell in love with the city. I am originally from Los Angeles California but certainly do consider Florence to be my home.
Inscrevi-me ao no dia 14 Novembro 2010.
After many years and much experience with tourism I have recently started a blog explaining real life in Italy. I am an artist and jewelry designer and I absolutely love to take photographs everywhere I go. I have a Calabrese husband who always keeps life spicy! Life is ever changing and evolving and is a process of learning and growing.
The city of Florence is full of art and history and offers a endless photo ops. The quaint cafes and fresh food markets are some of my favorite places in the city.
It can sometimes be difficult to adjust to life in another country. Even after 10 years I find myself frustrated with bureaucracy and traditions that are in need of change and progression.
I grew up up outside of Los Angeles California from the time I was 5 years old when my family relocated from Long Island New York. I then moved to Santa Barbara to attend college and then eventually to Florence Italy.