Hudsoncheng Austrália


Hudsoncheng, expatriado Australiano no Vietname
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Inscrevi-me ao no dia 12 Junho 2016.

  • Falo Ozstralian, English, Chinese, terrible French
Registro de atividade
  • Hudsoncheng
    juntou-se � comunidade de expatriados Saigão

Experi�ncia expat

Estou a viver aqui agora
Ho Chi Minh City, Cidade de Ho Chi Minh, Vietname
 2014 -  2016
Vladivostok, Primorskiy, Russia
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Russia's first legal casino, delayed in construction but finally built, unlike most other projects in Russia

On an expat salary life was easy, but for the average local, very expensive to live and eat cheaply

Mar 2008 - Jan 2012
Taipa, Macau
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Huge casino development

As time passed, prices rose exponentially

Jul 2003 - Jan 2008
Koh Samui, Tailândia
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Super luxury villas and resorts

Being treated like an ATM by (only some of ) the locals

Jun 2002 - Mai 2003
Beijing, Beijing, China
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Construction of a new hi-tech mobile phone factory

The city is so enormous that it takes a long time to get anywhere, (that was before the underground train service came)

Dez 2000 - Mai 2001
Queens, Nova Iorque, EUA
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Trying to startup a new lighting fitting business

The traffic to and from work

Nov 1988 - Jan 2012
Hong Kong, Honguecongue
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Lots and lots of urban planning, big and small commercial projects

Noise and Environment Pollution

Sydney, Nova Gales do Sul, Austrália
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huge new houses for overseas Asians in Sydney