Mar-Legs USA


American looking for information about France
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I am part of a bi-racial marriage. I am African American and my husband is from Nicaragua. We have 9yr. old boy and we are looking to move to some place that can provide a better quality of life. My husband just graduated from a private vocational College in the field of respiratory therapy and is certified in the state of California. I am looking to get and education in the field of nutrition. I would like to know what our chances are of my husband either finding a job in the field he is certified for or getting additional education in the field of respiratory therapy in France? I would also like to know of my educational options in the field of nutrition in the French universities. Finally what kind of cultural diversity there is in France. My husband and I both love learning about different cultures and we love traveling. We are open and accepting people and what to give our son a different outlook and experience that will round him out when he becomes an adult. Any and all information would be greatly appreciate.

I joined on 15 November 2010.

  • Interests food, art, music

Expat experience

I would like to move there
I am currently living here