Vagrant Inghilterra


Espatriato Inglese a Malta
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Born in London educated at Saint Pauls, declined university, trained as riding instructer horse whisperer etc. Later worked on a dog and stick farm on the edge of Dartmoor, before retraining as a carpenter. After a near death experience, my natural gift as a healer became enhanced. Trained with White Eagle Lodge (a global non-denominational Christian brotherhood of spiritual healers and later with the SVA. I hold 2 diplomas in clinical hypnotherapy and also diplomas in Emotional Freedom Technique. As an honorary fellow of the International Register of Consultant Herbalists and Homoeopaths, I serve, in a voluntary capacity, as student mentor and government liason officer. In the latter capacity, I was invited to advise a government working group on the future regulation of herbal medicine, in the face of EU regulations, a subject on which I have had a book published "Decoding Myth-Information" I have been invited to carry out healing work on a number of ancient buildings in Malta, by invitation of a Dame of the Order of Saint John, Knights Hostpittalers. A slightly unusual CV, but an interesting life.

Sono un utente di dal 28 Giugno 2016

  • Interessi personali spiritual healing, crystal healing, hymnotherapy, EFT, horses (qualified riding instructer)
Registro delle attività
  • Vagrant
    espatriato a Malta

Percorso di espatrio

Ora vivo qui
Qawra, Malta
Cinderford, Inghilterra, Inghilterra