We are an Italian couple, Andrea (46 years) and Maddalena (36 years). We live and work together for over ten years.Currently we live in Panama for about three years as permanent residents. We are always looking for new opportunities to grow as a couple and professionally. Angorwat cover Subir Seleccionar archivo AngorwatItalia Angorwat ABRIR MENÚ Mis datos personales Mi trayecto Mi actividad Mis fotos Mi blog Mi cuenta Mi perfil Mis datos personales EDITAR A cerca de Soy mujer. Soy italiana. Tengo 37 años y nací el 05 Septiembre 1979. Estoy casado/a. We are an Italian couple, Andrea (46 years) and Maddalena (36 years). We live and work together for over ten years.Currently we live in Panama for about three years as permanent residents. We are always looking for new opportunities to grow as a couple and professionally.
Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 24 Julho 2016.