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American looking for information about Belize

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Registration: 19 August 2016


Malik373 replied to a thread
8 years ago

Everyday life in Belize by kwn

Thank you for the info.- I have heard that there is a lot of crime, the govt. bureacracry is everywhere and the locals do not like foreigners- have you experienced any of these issues? I welcome your honest input- thanks again, Kevin


Dear Sir, Your response was exactly the kind of non-biased experiential based comment I have been looking for. I appreciate your candor and how you gave a certain balance in helping me to understand what I have to look forward to once I have my ... Read More

Malik373 replied to a thread
8 years ago

Re: Breaking Belize News ( NOT Good News) by BunnieMarie

My husband and I were seriously thinking of moving to Belize until we read about all the corruption which involves politicians, police etc. When the very people that are there to protect us have fingers pointed at them as being corrupt and involved ...


Thank you, I appreciate your candor and filling in the holes on this subject. Again, I am not trying to be catty or divisive but I only want Belize to be fairly represented. It is such a beautiful country with all of the challenges of a developing ... Read More

Malik373 replied to a thread
8 years ago

Re: Breaking Belize News ( NOT Good News) by BunnieMarie

My husband and I were seriously thinking of moving to Belize until we read about all the corruption which involves politicians, police etc. When the very people that are there to protect us have fingers pointed at them as being corrupt and involved ...


I understand that but as in most cases around the world, there will always be corruption and there will always be people who seem to know more or less than what is corroborated by the known truth. The only impetus to my comments are that people ... Read More

Malik373 replied to a thread
8 years ago

Re: Breaking Belize News ( NOT Good News) by BunnieMarie

My husband and I were seriously thinking of moving to Belize until we read about all the corruption which involves politicians, police etc. When the very people that are there to protect us have fingers pointed at them as being corrupt and involved ...


Rather the perpetrator was from Canada, Belize or East Who Cares is not the really the important fact here. The real issue here is the shading of the news in a way as is common in the United States by painting a false narrative that breeds general ... Read More

Malik373 replied to a thread
8 years ago

Re: Breaking Belize News ( NOT Good News) by BunnieMarie

My husband and I were seriously thinking of moving to Belize until we read about all the corruption which involves politicians, police etc. When the very people that are there to protect us have fingers pointed at them as being corrupt and involved ...


I just arrived from Belize and I heard the inside scoop on that beheading. Apparently, there is more to the story than that way you are presenting it to this forum. The guy that beheaded the pastor is from Canada and had a corrupted relationship ... Read More

Malik373 replied to a thread
8 years ago

Re: Breaking Belize News ( NOT Good News) by BunnieMarie

My husband and I were seriously thinking of moving to Belize until we read about all the corruption which involves politicians, police etc. When the very people that are there to protect us have fingers pointed at them as being corrupt and involved ...


Pgthefatman, I was very encouraged to hear about your move to Belize and your overall opinion of the country and the people. I am in the planning stages at the moment whereas I just visited there last week. I had a very nice time and I can ... Read More

Malik373 replied to a thread
8 years ago

Friends and Contacts Wanted by holisticdoc

Hi and Greetings I am in Central America and looking to move to Belize where I can build a small earthbag house on at least 1/2 acre or more of fertile, high land. Please feel free to contact me if only to chat about Belizan life. I am a holistic ...


Hello, I just traveled to Belize and found both the country and the people very warm and inviting. I have considered other countries such as Panama, Ecuador and Uruguay. Thus far I've only experienced Belize but am interested in getting a better ... Read More