tedlange USA


American looking for information about Thailand
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My name is Ted Lange. I am 36 with three wonderful children and a loving wife. I currently produce video games, but I want to show my kids and myself that dreams can be reality. So, I have decided to sell my house and most of my possessions and move to Thailand. We are in the process of selling the house and getting our visas and then we are off. By my calculations we will be arriving by January. I have so much creativity in me that I can't wait to explore and hopefully make a livable career out of. I'd love to find other musicians to start a band. Thats me

I joined expat.com on 21 August 2016.

  • Interests my family, happiness, Writing and performing music, puppetry, Dungeons and Dragons. (yes I am a nerd)

Expat experience

I would like to move there
Chiang Mai, Thailand
I am currently living here
San Jose, California, USA