Lopakalolo EUA


Lopakalolo, expatriado Americano nas Filipinas
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I have been living in the Philippines for over twelve years. I guess I am getting burned out. It's the only place I've lived where I still don't feel like I really belong. I am suddenly noticing the people, culture, air, water, traffic and noise pollution more and more every day. With that said, I gave it my best and now I am giving it my worst and in fairness, I think it's time to move on. A couple of things got me interested in Costa Rica and today I read in the newspaper a survey made by a think tank named New Economic Foundation in the UK. In the 2016 Happy Planet index, It lists Costa Rica as the "Happiest Place" on the Planet out of 140 countries. The Philippines came in 20th. I have two things in mind, one being a return to the U.S., but what holds me back is where in the U.S. would I go where it's not too cold, too hot, rains too much, snows too much or if it has great weather, is affordable. The other nagging thoughts is that it might be a mistake to return there, In other words I would be going back to the reasons I left nearly 13 years ago which have only gotten worse. I than thought that Central and South America might be the answer because there are countries where I could live comfortably on a small pension and Social Security. It would certainly be a lot closer and cheaper and quicker to make trips to the U.S. to visit then it is from the Philippines. At one time I considered Panama for a lot of positive reasons but that was 13 years ago and like the U.S. I now see a lot of negatives there. As a side note, I have lived in upstate New York (too much snow and grey and cloudy depressing days) where I was born, Santa Clara, Santa Barbara, San Pedro and Long Beach, California, (perfect coastal weather but expensive), Kauai and Oahu, Hawaii, (perfect weather, almost boring and super expensive), Huntsville, Alabama, (great people and a little too hot in the summer with occasional threats of a Tornado), and Cumberland, Maryland (boring, depressing, rednecks and lots of snow) and Glen Burnie, Maryland (interesting, good weather and the Orioles) , Tampa Bay Area of Florida (Too hot, too buggy, sink holes, rednecks, old people, and a rising crime and drug rate). Any comparisons to be made regarding the pros and cons of Costa Rica <vs> the Philippines are more then welcome. Thanks, Bob lopakalolo@hotmail.com</vs>

Sou um homem.

Sou . Sou reformado/a.

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 28 Agosto 2016.

  • Falo english
  • Gosto de pets, fishing, hiking, the opposite sex - not necessarily in that order.
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  • Lopakalolo
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Makati City, Metro Manila, Filipinas
Binghamton, New York, EUA