French citizen
6 posts
About me
Registration: 06 September 2016
Summer camps for children in Bordeaux? by Katrienreynders
Dear Bordeaux - lovers, I am considering to accept a job in Bordeaux! I tried to search for summer camps for the children (6 and 8 years) where they can go on a daily basis and for a whole day. Does anyone has experience with full day summer ...
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Seeking info/assistance in relocating from US to France by jimbrooking
Je voudrais trouvé un residence dans le région de Languedoc-Rousillon. Je suis American, et j'ai 77 ans. J'ai besoin d'un avocat qui parle anglais plus meilleurs que je parle français pour aider moi dans le route á ...
Moving to Bordeaux by markone
Hi I am currently looking for somewhere to live in Bordeaux from September. My daughter has a place in the consevatoire de danse de Bordeaux. My wife and I are english teachers and already have some work in Bordeaux but most our our teaching is ...
Moving to Bordeaux by fifi26
Hello I'm Fiona and a qualified primary school teacher from Ireland. I am hopefully moving to Bordeaux in April and would love to get in contact with people living there already. I have a decent level of French and hope to find work in any field to ...
Visting Bordeaux for a non-French speaking traveler by lee.sylvie
Hi Everyone, I have been thinking about visiting Bordeaux to learn more about wine and am concerned it would be difficult to make appointments with vineyards and travel through various Bordeaux wineries for tasting on public transportation without ...