Miggidy Spagna


Cittadino Spagnolo che cerca informazioni a Malta
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I was born in Madrid Spain and when I was 3 years old my mother and I moved to Tucson, Arizona (USA) and I lived there throughout my childhood. Moved to Las Vegas for a couple of years when I got married and then moved back to Tucson when we divorced. Ive breed dogs and worked with special needs children most of my life as well as Barbering. In 2014 I decided to make a move to come to Europe and get to know my family I have in Spain. I finally came this year but thing aint turning out as I had hoped for. I took a TESOL/TEFL course here in Madrid hoping that would help me land a decent job but its turning out to be non effective. Ive done some research on other countries here in Europe and Malta caught my attention so now I'm going to make way there. (I am a EU citizen)

Sono un uomo

Sono celibe/nublie Sono in cerca di lavoro

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 17 Settembre 2016

  • Parlo Native English, Spanish and Sign Language
  • Interessi personali exercising, Swimming, sightseeing
Registro delle attività
  • Miggidy
    espatriato a Malta

Percorso di espatrio

Vorrei trasferirmi lì
Valletta, Il-Belt Valletta, Malta
Ora vivo qui
Madrid, Spagna