

New member

American looking for information about Germany

Forum posts


About me

American, Single

Speaks English

Registration: 20 September 2016


DistantPort created a thread
7 years ago

Any 50+ Expat Groups?

Hi - I'm just moved to Berlin for a year off and am interested in meeting any 40-50+ expat groups. Are there any "older" people here who don't act their age and get together socially? Thanks! Anne Read More

DistantPort replied to a thread
8 years ago

American wants to move to Berlin by DistantPort

I am trying to take a year off from my regular life and move from US to Berlin. I need to get a visa, obviously, but I don't know if I can get one for a full year. (I would get a study visa to study german). Does anyone know if it's ...


Understood, thanks. I'm actually only looking to stay for one year and fortunately have saved plenty of money to not have to work. My hope is that I can get a one-year visa without having to go back and forth to the states to renew. Read More

DistantPort replied to a thread
8 years ago

American wants to move to Berlin by DistantPort

I am trying to take a year off from my regular life and move from US to Berlin. I need to get a visa, obviously, but I don't know if I can get one for a full year. (I would get a study visa to study german). Does anyone know if it's ...


Thanks Tom, I read your response regarding the artist/self employed post and that actually helped me a lot. I appreciate your insight! Anne Read More

DistantPort created a thread
8 years ago

American wants to move to Berlin

I am trying to take a year off from my regular life and move from US to Berlin. I need to get a visa, obviously, but I don't know if I can get one for a full year. (I would get a study visa to study german). Does anyone know if it's ... Read More