CoalSin Nythra France

CoalSin Nythra

French looking for information about Bosnia Herzegovine
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1 forum post


Nicolas, Français de 27 ans projettant de s'installer en Bosnie afin d'y rejoindre ma petite amie.

I am a male.

I am in a relationship. I am employed.

I joined on 21 September 2016.

  • I can speak Français, Anglais
  • Interests lecture, musique, écriture, cinéma...
Activity log
  • CoalSin Nythra
    joined the Bosnia Herzegovine expat community

Expat experience

I would like to move there
Bosnia Herzegovine
Srebrenik, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia Herzegovine
I am currently living here
Quimper, Brittany, France