


American looking for information about Costa Rica

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Lives in Unknown

Registration: 28 September 2016


Stacy_in_ATL replied to a thread
7 years ago

Why Many Expats Return to their Home Country by ExpatDave

I am often asked why Gringos return to their home countries so quickly after moving here. It is difficult to answer. My experience is that more often than not, it’s for the same reason(s). Failure to assimilate and failure to accept things ...


Yes, I am not married to any specific country and am just starting to get to know the pros and cons. I am familiar with many of the challenges as I grew up in Brazil but haven't lived there as an adult managing my own household - just while ... Read More

Stacy_in_ATL replied to a thread
7 years ago

Why Many Expats Return to their Home Country by ExpatDave

I am often asked why Gringos return to their home countries so quickly after moving here. It is difficult to answer. My experience is that more often than not, it’s for the same reason(s). Failure to assimilate and failure to accept things ...


This may seem like a silly question...but in your experiences (and thank you for the primer - I once worked for 6 weeks in Kazikstan and experienced many of the same issues..but that was brief and I had an 'expeditor') - are any other ... Read More