New Zealander citizen
1 posts
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New Zealander, Single
Lives in Dunedin, Otago
Speaks English
Registration: 18 October 2016
Jirahaawol replied to a thread
Biggest Supermarkets in Tripoli by smallworld
I need to come stock up on groceries in Tripoli. I always go to Souq Talat but was wondering if there is anything else comparable. I did search through the forum and read about the Palm Residence supermarket but I am not sure I can get in there ...
Hi! I'm Jiro from New Zealand, I lived in Tripoli from 2009-2011. I had good times and great friends in Libya. Souq talat was a haven during our stay in Libya. I was devastated when I learned it burned down a couple of years ago, I'm just ... Read More