marined95 França


Marined95, Francês procurando informa��o sobre nos Emirados Árabes Unidos
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1 artigo no f�rum


My name is Marine Dupuy, I?m a recent graduate of ISEG?s Bachelor?s in Marketing and Communication, and I am looking for a marketing opening.  During my last experiences, I was tasked with a few challenges: implement inbound marketing within a company that has always depended on outbound marketing tactics, manage all of the online contents (website, social medias, newsletters, video editing) and print (promotional flyers, vouchers, brochures), as well as conduct multiple market research to determine a marketing strategy to develop customer loyalty. Moreover, planning a charity event for UNICEF has taught me how to manage a team, set priorities and overcome my stress. I, therefore, have learned how to multi-task, be entrepreneurial, creative and attentive to detail. I feel that my experience in these areas will translate well of the work your company has to offer to obtain stronger results.

Sou uma mulher. Tenho 29 anos e nasci dia 11 Fevereiro 1995.

Sou . Sou desempregado/a. Sou assistant marketing.

Inscrevi-me ao no dia 29 Outubro 2016.

  • Falo French - Mother language
    English - Fluent
    Spanish - Moderate
    Arabic - Basics
  • Gosto de Yoga - Cooking - Designing - Traveling - Dogs
Registro de atividade
  • marined95
    juntou-se � comunidade de expatriados Abu Dhabi

Experi�ncia expat

Quero mudar-me para
Emirados Árabes Unidos
Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, Emirados Árabes Unidos
Estou a viver aqui agora
Bordéus, Aquitaine, França
Jul 2013 - Jun 2015
Washington, D.C., Washington, D.C., EUA
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Études NOVA (Northern Virginia Community College) - Business Administration

Jul 2007 - Jun 2009
Commune of Libreville, Estuaire, Gabão
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Set 2003 - Jul 2005
Londres, Inglaterra, Inglaterra
 2009 -  2011
Rabat, Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaër, Marrocos
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