Filipino citizen
Forum posts
About me
Filipino, Married with children
Lives in Province of Zambales, Central
Speaks I can speak English
Registration: 04 November 2016

Mrs.alnazzawi replied to a thread

Is my husband allowed to invite me in Jeddah? by Mrs.alnazzawi
Hi I am Pilipina and live here now in my country home. But my husband is Saudi national is it allowed he invite me in Jeddah although we are married here in Philippine... thanks. Waiting for answer.

Yes we are both Muslim... Read More

Mrs.alnazzawi created a thread
Is my husband allowed to invite me in Jeddah?
Hi I am Pilipina and live here now in my country home. But my husband is Saudi national is it allowed he invite me in Jeddah although we are married here in Philippine... thanks. Waiting for answer. Read More