FinestOfRwanda Quénia


FinestOfRwanda, Queniano
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3 artigos no fórum


When I came to Rwanda in 2005 it was very difficulty to find any information hub that would help me decide whether to stay around and invest or just keep moving on. Upto this moment it is still difficulty to find this information offline or online. This is a problem that each person in Rwanda and many other countries have and I therefore decided to come up with a technology company with the help of two investors to create a portal, DVDs, Profile Books that will feature only the finest of Rwanda in everything around us. By end of 2011 this project came to an end and it was a success. Currently I am back to Kenya for other business ventures. If you are in Nairobi and need my company, I am very much available to meet you and interact well. Karibu Africa By the way my names are Victor Ndiema, so I cant change the profile name I hope you all understand

Inscrevi-me ao no dia 13 Dezembro 2010.

  • Falo English, French, Swahili, Luganda, Rwandese, Sabaot, Bukusu
  • Gosto de marketing, project management, consulting, distribution, destination branding
Registro de atividade
  • FinestOfRwanda
    juntou-se à comunidade de expatriados Nairóbi

Experiência expat

Desde Abril 2011
Nairóbi, Quénia
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Traffic Jam in the city centre

Mar 2002 - Mar 2011
Quigali, Ruanda
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worked for UNited Nations, GOR, Build up several businesses

People are too slow
