rpmiller Stati Uniti


Espatriato Americano nelle Filippine
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From NY originally. Lived up and down both coasts of the US, including the islands of Hawaii to surf as much as I could. I was a pro surfer when growing up. Won some contests, love the sport. Spent a few years in the Submarine Service on board a Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine as an Electronics Navigation Technician. Lived in a commune in the 60's and had lots of bands. Singing since church, chorus in school and then different bands around the country. I worked odd jobs, then married, settled down. Worked for Fedex, got injured, Acquired a degree in Electronics. Was hired by Intel and worked there for 14 years until I retired to the Philippines. My wife recently passed away. It was a terrible loss, but I'm slowly emerging and starting to live as she would have liked. I have many interests and talents, enjoy living in Tagaytay area, as it's cool, air is cleaner than Manila, and I live near a resort area, so facilities are nearby, but the rain forest and nature satisfy my latter years retired. I jam Blues in Manila from time to time, I surf when I feel like it. I travel back to the states to see friends, surf, catch up and share good times. I find the people in the Philippines to be some of the nicest people, and willing and able to help with whatever you need, whenever you need it. Enjoy!

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 14 Dicembre 2010

  • Parlo English
  • Interessi personali surfing, singing, surfing.......ready to roll!
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  • rpmiller
    espatriato nelle Filippine

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