S.McGarey Scotland


Scottish looking for information about Bangladesh
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I was born in America however moved to Scotland when I was 10 years old and have been here ever since! I have recently graduated from Edinbugh Napier University with a 2:1 honours degree in Criminology. After completing university I travelled to Bangladesh with Ycare International (a partner of the YMCA) to do developmental work and awareness raising for 3 months. Throughout my time at university I had many jobs in order to support myself financially such as waitress, bar tender and retail worker. Now, however, I am looking to find a professional job that I feel passionate about! This would ideally be within the development sector, gender equality, social care, crime and criminals or youth development. I am so excited to start doing something that I am truely passionate about.

I am a female.

I am single. I am employed.

I joined expat.com on 26 December 2016.

  • I can speak English
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Expat experience

I would like to move there
Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
I am currently living here
Moray, Scotland, Scotland