English expat in Italy
2 posts
About me
Registration: 08 February 2017
Finding your bearings in Italy by Priscilla
Hello, While technology has definitely helped us navigate ourselves more easily in most countries, it's not the case everywhere. How do you get to your destinations and navigate yourself in Italy? Do you use gps systems such as google/apple ...
Other than local shopping I use TomTom to navigate in the car. If on foot and need directions I use Google Maps on my Apple iPhone. If I am going to a place I have not visited before I explore using Google Maps on my Apple iMac. Read More
Online shopping in Italy by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Shopping online can be far more convenient and offer greater choice than going into shops, be it grocery shopping or retail. Are there options for online shopping in Italy? Which sites or apps do you use most frequently and ...
I, Like Iansaron, also use Amazon but both .IT and .co.uk.. Used in tandem they have provided most things large and small that I have needed. I have Prime membership on both sites and the cost is easily returned with no further cost for delivery and ... Read More