


American looking for information about Ecuador

Forum posts


About me


Lives in Manta, Manabí

Registration: 18 February 2017


Lewdog replied to a thread
8 years ago

Cost of living in Ecuador - 2017 by Priscilla

Hello, Before moving to Ecuador, it is important to investigate the cost of living in the country. As we did in 2015, we give you the opportunity to share your experience and tell us more about products and services average recorded prices in ...


$800 a month in food? At that amount it would almost be cheaper to eat out each meal!Groceries here are not cheap. This evening I bought 2 liters of yogurt drink and 1 liter of milk for $7.From everything I've read it seems that beef and dairy ... Read More

Lewdog replied to a thread
8 years ago

Cost of living in Ecuador - 2017 by Priscilla

Hello, Before moving to Ecuador, it is important to investigate the cost of living in the country. As we did in 2015, we give you the opportunity to share your experience and tell us more about products and services average recorded prices in ...


I don't rent so I have no idea what rental rates are here in Manta. I've heard they went up since the earthquake, but I have no concrete facts or figures. Gringo realtors tend to charge more for rentals and sales, I know that for a fact. ... Read More

Lewdog replied to a thread
8 years ago

Ecuador 9-V professional residency visa university list by OsageArcher

As of today at least, the link for the list of acceptable universities is a PDF file at: Just in case, ...


Kind of odd my College isn't on that list. Eastern Kentucky University is one of the top 5 universities in the U.S. for Police Sciences and top 10 for Criminal Justice degrees. I'm going to get my Master's Degree in Emergency ... Read More

Lewdog replied to a thread
8 years ago

sell iphone ipad chinese ipad in quito by hanzha

hello every one i am hanzha from yemen i use to live in china i want know about quito city and about sell phones ipad chinese goods for phone maybe open shop or i use web i want know if somebody have any idea about it thank u so much


And there is the ever present risk of being robbed...Yes, that is why you do it in a public place with lots of people around. Though I believe in being careful about everything I do, I don't live my life scared, I could walk out of my front ... Read More

Lewdog replied to a thread
8 years ago

sell iphone ipad chinese ipad in quito by hanzha

hello every one i am hanzha from yemen i use to live in china i want know about quito city and about sell phones ipad chinese goods for phone maybe open shop or i use web i want know if somebody have any idea about it thank u so much


Authorized distributors have the rights to import genuine items. Importing or selling counterfeit products is against the law, and you are asking for trouble and may go to jail for attempting such. Also, Quito has more than enough mobile shops, too ... Read More

Lewdog replied to a thread
8 years ago

Why we decided not to move to Ecuador after two trips there by gardener1

Thinking to immigrate, We spent a month in Ecuador in Nov. 2012 - Quito/Cuenca/Manta and other points in between. We spent a month in Ecuador in Jan. 2017 Guayaquil/Cuenca/Montanita and other points in between. We are not moving to Ecuador. The ...


Northern Arizona has some highlands that can be much more moderate in summer weather than Phoenix and Tucson. Show Low, Arizona -- a town named after a winning poker hand -- has 83-86 degree F. highs on average in the hottest months. Not bad for ... Read More

Lewdog replied to a thread
8 years ago

Seeking Info and Resources for Building a Cheap House in Ecuador by holisticdoc

Hola a todos I am looking to relocate to Ecuador. Housing market there is like housing market in most places. Nice houses are very expensive and affordable houses are not quite what I'm looking for or they need a lot of work. Might as well ...


Well even if people don't like the shipping container home idea they do need to take into consideration the destruction that can be caused on your normal stucco or adobe style homes in an earthquake, especially considering how badly places were ... Read More

Lewdog replied to a thread
8 years ago

Netflix and Roku by msantiago1256

Hi, I was pleasantly surprised to find that netflix is in Ecuador! I knew they where expanding and it was only a matter of time but they are already here and the selection is almost better (in terms of quality if not quantity) than back home. Has ...


As long as streaming isn't illegal in Ecuador, you can take an Amazon Fire TV stick and program it to run a program called Kodi. You can then put addons to it that allows it to stream free content including TV, movies, sports, music, you name ... Read More

Lewdog replied to a thread
8 years ago

Seeking Info and Resources for Building a Cheap House in Ecuador by holisticdoc

Hola a todos I am looking to relocate to Ecuador. Housing market there is like housing market in most places. Nice houses are very expensive and affordable houses are not quite what I'm looking for or they need a lot of work. Might as well ...


This sound very interesting, can you share more info?Unfortunately I can't provide links yet, but try doing a Google search for shipping container homes. There is a beautiful one that I want that you can build for $40,000 that is designed ... Read More

Lewdog replied to a thread
8 years ago

Seeking Info and Resources for Building a Cheap House in Ecuador by holisticdoc

Hola a todos I am looking to relocate to Ecuador. Housing market there is like housing market in most places. Nice houses are very expensive and affordable houses are not quite what I'm looking for or they need a lot of work. Might as well ...


Why not do like I have been planning? Use a recycled shipping container or two put together? They are fairly cheap, and given the problem with earth quakes in Ecuador, you wouldn't have to worry about your house crumbling to pieces.This sound ... Read More

Lewdog replied to a thread
8 years ago

Seeking Info and Resources for Building a Cheap House in Ecuador by holisticdoc

Hola a todos I am looking to relocate to Ecuador. Housing market there is like housing market in most places. Nice houses are very expensive and affordable houses are not quite what I'm looking for or they need a lot of work. Might as well ...


Why not do like I have been planning? Use a recycled shipping container or two put together? They are fairly cheap, and given the problem with earth quakes in Ecuador, you wouldn't have to worry about your house crumbling to pieces. Read More

Lewdog replied to a thread
8 years ago

Netflix and Roku by msantiago1256

Hi, I was pleasantly surprised to find that netflix is in Ecuador! I knew they where expanding and it was only a matter of time but they are already here and the selection is almost better (in terms of quality if not quantity) than back home. Has ...


You can post links freely after a certain number of posts, I forget what the number is. One link is There are many more. But I am just getting started and already I am overwhelmed with what's available using Kodi (I am ... Read More

Lewdog replied to a thread
8 years ago

Netflix and Roku by msantiago1256

Hi, I was pleasantly surprised to find that netflix is in Ecuador! I knew they where expanding and it was only a matter of time but they are already here and the selection is almost better (in terms of quality if not quantity) than back home. Has ...


Sorry didn't know I couldn't provide links here. Just do a Google search for Kodi TVaddons and you should find it. Read More

Lewdog replied to a thread
8 years ago

Netflix and Roku by msantiago1256

Hi, I was pleasantly surprised to find that netflix is in Ecuador! I knew they where expanding and it was only a matter of time but they are already here and the selection is almost better (in terms of quality if not quantity) than back home. Has ...


Amazon Fire TV stick sounds super simple, but which VPN do you recommend? Being specific would be good, especially one that can stream consistently at least 5-7 mbps (or HD quality).I'm not sure the VPN matters when using Kodi on the Amazon Fire ... Read More

Lewdog replied to a thread
8 years ago

Netflix and Roku by msantiago1256

Hi, I was pleasantly surprised to find that netflix is in Ecuador! I knew they where expanding and it was only a matter of time but they are already here and the selection is almost better (in terms of quality if not quantity) than back home. Has ...


I'm new here but maybe I can help with this problem. As long as streaming isn't illegal in Ecuador, you can take an Amazon Fire TV stick and program it to run a program called Kodi. You can then put addons to it that allows it to stream ... Read More