I am originally from Canada with over 21 years here in the DR! My background is in finance and marketing and here I have done all kinds of consulting work! My work has taken me all over this beautiful country and into many different aspects of life here. I have consulted in construction, tourism, Human Resources, Recovery Homes, new business start up and expansion and relocation of both individuals and companies! My expertise and experience is vast and my true interest is in bettering the lives of the people here. I want to make a difference in everything I do. On a personal level my passion is latin dancing - keeps me young!
Je suis indépendant(e). Je suis Business Consultant, HR specialist, Relocation for Business and Individuals.
Je suis membre depuis le 28 Décembre 2010.
Photos de planner
I have lived all over this island and helped more people than I can count!
I love my life here, it is full of latin flavor!
I am Canadian and always will be, I love Canada
It is too damn cold and that is not just the climate.