Serial expatrepreneur currently in Rosario, Argentina! I became a Location Independent professional some time ago and would not change it for the world!!! I help expats to do the same by building their own brand online and improve their overseas lifestyle! I have a couple of blogs - Rosario Connection and J'organise également les APEROsario le premier mercredi du mois pour les francophones de Rosario. Retrouvez nous sur le groupe "les francophones de Rosario" sur Facebook.
I joined on 29 December 2010.
Pictures by sabp23
After arriving in Rosario, I decided to create Rosario Connection after realising that I could not find much information (in English or French)about the city of Rosario. Then I concentrated on expat issues and created "Anywhere in the World", a guide for expats and would-be location independent professionals. This is a step-by-step guide to help anyone on their journey as an expat anywhere in the world and to become successful online, whether they decide to create a new business, promote a local business (B&B - Yoga retreat - Bar/Restaurant - Tour Guide, etc.) or transform an existing business into an online business.
Rosario has the charm of Buenos Aires and a more relaxed and easy-going atmosphere than the capital of Argentina.