all6ofus EUA


All6ofus, Americana procurando informa��o sobre em Belize
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3 artigos no f�rum


Hi.. Ok so here I sit 42 just turned it actually. I live in a climate with many seasons. All my life I considered that good well, never really thrilled with the winter, but now I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and the many seasons land me in the boring, doldrum comfort of my bed with heating pads for way too many months of the year. I am eagerly dreaming of moving to an environment that is more conducive to steady temperatures and a slower pace of life where I can concentrate on a very limited healthy affordable diet. Ideas of beautiful sandy beaches and possible trips to rain forest interest the dickens out of me as well. Soo, here I am live from NC, USA and interested in asking lots of questions. Thank you for having me.

Sou uma mulher.

Sou . Sou empresário/a.

Inscrevi-me ao no dia 07 Março 2017.

  • Falo English, not so much Spanish
  • Gosto de warm weather, slow days
Registro de atividade
  • all6ofus
    juntou-se � comunidade de expatriados Belize

Experi�ncia expat

Quero mudar-me para
Corozal, Belize
Estou a viver aqui agora
Marshville, Carolina do Norte, EUA