Korean looking for information about Vietnam
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Lives in unknown
Registration: 18 March 2017

New to Hanoi from UK by ClaireyInglis
Hi all Moving to hanoi on Sunday, having quit my job in November to come and teach. Is there any good places to hang out that anyone would recommend at night times?

ccoffee bars in the old quarter Read More

Vietnamese American moving to Vietnam. Advice Please by knguyeen112
Hi, I'm considering on moving to VN this year and hoping to get some advice from fellow expats to make the transition as easy as possible. I have a college degree with 5 years of experience in the IT field. But I'm not looking for a full ...

I'm Korean-American- lived in the US most of my life. I know that discrimination exists in Taiwan. It's possible, but you have to work/look harder. Read More

bank account question by sanreza
hi, when i left VN there were something around 40,000,000 Dong in my bank account; am not planning on returning to VN any soon; How could I transfer this money to US or EU banks? Your help is appreciated.

You opened a local bank acct? Is it still "open"? Have the money transferred to your current one. There will be conversion fees etc. I would ask your new bank. Read More