American looking for information about Mexico
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American, Single
Speaks English only
Registration: 22 March 2017

Will return to live rest of my days in Mexico. by daretiree
Lived I Bucerias, Nayarit, Mexico for 2 months, and loved every minute of my time there. Had to return to states for personal reasons. The cost of living in Bucerias is so cheap, I still cannot believe it. However, I have heard that Progreso, ...

LThank you for the advise. Makes sense what you say. Read More

Will return to live rest of my days in Mexico. by daretiree
Lived I Bucerias, Nayarit, Mexico for 2 months, and loved every minute of my time there. Had to return to states for personal reasons. The cost of living in Bucerias is so cheap, I still cannot believe it. However, I have heard that Progreso, ...

You are right. PV is quite metropolitan, with cheap rentals, but only one not so good beach. However, excellent hospital. On other hand, Progreso had 2 br/2bath on beach for around $700 per month with 3 month rental. To me, if Progreso turns ... Read More

Will return to live rest of my days in Mexico. by daretiree
Lived I Bucerias, Nayarit, Mexico for 2 months, and loved every minute of my time there. Had to return to states for personal reasons. The cost of living in Bucerias is so cheap, I still cannot believe it. However, I have heard that Progreso, ...

I will be visiting Progreso, yucatan for 2 months Oct. thru Nov. Will decide if will stay in Progreso long term or go back to Puerto Vallarta. Read More

Going to Merida Saturday, October 1st. by Debibax
My husband and I will be flying to Merida next Saturday to check it out in hopes of retiring and moving there by end of summer next year. We would love to meet up with other expatriates just to hear about your experiences and ideas. We will be ...

I am planning on going to Progreso in November. Have places on the beach to look at. Read More

Finding a place to live by doggroomer
Wondering how those of you who drove into Mexico (or not) how you went about finding a place to stay. Did you rent something out for a month that you secured before you got there? and that you found site unseen before actually getting to ...

I am planning to travel to Progreso, Yucatan in November. Have been in contact with reputable agent for 3 months. Read More

Will return to live rest of my days in Mexico. by daretiree
Lived I Bucerias, Nayarit, Mexico for 2 months, and loved every minute of my time there. Had to return to states for personal reasons. The cost of living in Bucerias is so cheap, I still cannot believe it. However, I have heard that Progreso, ...

Thank you. You are right. Never thot of it like that before😀 Read More

Will return to live rest of my days in Mexico. by daretiree
Lived I Bucerias, Nayarit, Mexico for 2 months, and loved every minute of my time there. Had to return to states for personal reasons. The cost of living in Bucerias is so cheap, I still cannot believe it. However, I have heard that Progreso, ...

I'm not living any stone unturned. Am researching Dominican Republic. Look at this link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kathleen-peddicord/retire-to-the-dominican-republic_b_7546694.html Read More

Will return to live rest of my days in Mexico. by daretiree
Lived I Bucerias, Nayarit, Mexico for 2 months, and loved every minute of my time there. Had to return to states for personal reasons. The cost of living in Bucerias is so cheap, I still cannot believe it. However, I have heard that Progreso, ...

Hi Ruby, yes let's keep in touch via email for now, ok? Lloyd Read More

Will return to live rest of my days in Mexico.
Lived I Bucerias, Nayarit, Mexico for 2 months, and loved every minute of my time there. Had to return to states for personal reasons. The cost of living in Bucerias is so cheap, I still cannot believe it. However, I have heard that Progreso, ... Read More